Everyone has the ability to succeed as far as their vision permits.
Particularly when living from your internal reference point, your true self. The only restriction comes from within. When you realise this, infinite possibility, creativity and an abundance of life is at your fingertips.
When limited we will never reach our full potential. Our minds busy with what should be. What we think is acceptable. What our friends and family do. And think. Even what strangers think!
How liberating to live without being limited in any way. Allowing the mind to blossom. Sweet and delicious.
I wrote a wish list for 2011, it has evolved into a wish list for life, its big, it has some BIG BIG things on it. And writing this list has made me realise in what ways I was limiting myself.
Once realised, I began to function from a place I had never before and began creating some real magic. My list is huge, and it continues to get bigger, everything I could ever wish for is on it and it excites me, I have already started ticking off things that I have been able to achieve. Truely the power of pen to paper is amazing.
Use your mind to create a beautiful orchard full of perfect days, radiant relationships, long and full health, even super human health!
Whatever you desire... as long as it comes from a place that is pure you will always get what you want, and need.
Love J x
The stunning photos are from isphotography.
This post has expanded my consciousness, I feel like a new shiny me, living without limitations so simply yet so powerful!